Are You Defined by What You Wear?

September 16, 2024, by Wulan Istri

Have you heard that the way you dress represents yourself? Or perhaps... the way you dress is one of the way respecting yourself? Maybe most of you already heard about one of those. Me either. I heard it many times. I even got a class about dress code in a scholarship program I joined. Overall, I got the basic knowledge about dress code: about tone mix and match, styles (formal, semi-formal, ethnic, casual, etc), and other things. We are also told that we should be careful about what we wear and it would be even nicer if we give attention about what we wear and how do we look when we are out. The reason is simply cause it's nice to be looked good and moreover you will never know whom you'll be meeting with. So, it's kinda anticipation. And I agree with that doctrine for like... years. 

Now... I am doubt about that. I have been rethinking about 'this doctrine' for the past few weeks during my leisure time. Are we really defined by what we wear? Is it true that how we dress implying how we respect ourselves? Those question has been confusing me lately. 

Let say, if we are defined by what we wear, people who wear high-end fashion and branded outfits would probably means 'something' and homeless people who barely own few clothes on would have no right on it. If dressing neatly and nicely is really 'something' then people whose style like jamet would be nothing. If someone dress according to their norm is really 'something' then it means people who dress unlike their norm would be the versa. Well, maybe it's not that too apple to apple but would you think that dress defines someone? In my observation, unfortunately we live in a society who think so. Someone who dress 'not nice' (according to the people - which is subjective) might get rude service in a department store. People who do not wear 'a proper' clothes will be labeled as impolite while it's actually just their tribal clothes. In the other hand, people who wear hijab and niqab is also vulnerable to be labelled as terrorist. 

Is it also true that the way we dress implying how we respect ourselves? Well... could you elaborate more about this? This is extremely confusing to me. I mean, respect is earned, not created. Self respect? Is dressing 'not enough' nicely-which-is-subjective degrade your self-respect? I'm sorry, I don't get it. 

Well, the narration of 'just dress nicely every time you go out cause you probably meet your boss or important person when you go to the nearest minimarket' is somehow confusing. Tell me... are you expecting to leave a good impression to that 'important' person which barely notice you? Don't get me wrong. This is possible but the chance is very low that the he/she will finally notice you and magically give you a jackpot. And if you meet your co-worker or your boss at the minimarket with your homey-domey outfit, will you feel embarrassed to look not as professional as you are in the workplace? You at the minimarket? And most importantly, you at the minimarket OUTSIDE the working hours? Tell me honey... is it legal that the society make you - shape you to act professional outside the working hours? 

First of all, don't get me wrong. I'm not against people who voluntarily act professional 24/7. I am not against anyone who always dress nicely as long as that's what they want. But, I'm here questioning the society's  'unwritten rule' that made 'us' to dress professionally, or nicely, or neatly just in case you meet your boss (who definitely has more power than you) outside the office plus outside the working hours? Who's starting that rule? Is this the product of capitalism? Just like the other product: let's say you have to stand by 24/7 if your job needs you. Also, who's the person behind the theory that what you wear defines you? Well... I'm not a fan of judging a person by its appearance even though I'm afraid that I haven't 100% be yet. But at least I'm currently trying. Oh by the way, a little TMI, someone rich can casually meet a president by just wearing a T-shirt while the president using a tuxedo. The power of the money holds. I mean, this isn't align but yeah... perhaps you know what I mean. 

I am, my self, still trying to be brave to wear anything I want. Sometimes, I am still afraid of the tendencies from the people's eyes but I try to not care. I try to free myself from rule. I am trying to be bold. I am trying to be fearless. 

One thing I wanna let you know is that I actually am tired of 'being' professional. I mean, my nature is laughing easily, throwing stupid jokes, and being childish (acting like a child). But... I have to be professional so holding back my nature is somehow a bit tough. Then, I decided to put off my professionality when I'm off from work. One of some efforts that I have done is by wearing anything I want outside the work. I don't care if I use baby doll during my Klaten - Jakarta train trip. I don't care if I use home-outfit when I am out to the cafe or the minimarket. Well... I try to not worry a lot if I met colleague or someone from my personal network cause I'm out of working hours and I can be my self. It's not somewhere where I have to follow the rules and dress code. There is no rule on it and I don't wanna live under society's illusion. I am also in the process of learning to not judging a person easily by his/her appearance. I can't deny that this one is hard but I am trying. I really am. 

Final random thought: don't we all live under illusions? Then why did I say something about illusion? I don't know so let it be. 

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